Donating 10,000+ mask-making kits to kids in need.

In Partnership with Minted., Fabscrap, Verloop, and Boys & Girls Club


Highlighting ‘Back-To-School’ and noting a 90% increase in COVID cases amongst youth, we are working with Boys & Girls Club of America to donate 10,000 mask-making kits and children's books that encourage the use of PPE in a child-friendly manner. Our kits offer children a unique opportunity to make their own mask. The self-made products have proven to be a point of pride with the kids. As a result, they are more likely to wear the mask which has increased PPE compliance.

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Each Kit Includes:

  • Fabric (up-cycled from commercial brands to reduce waste!)

  • Filter material

  • Hair ties/shoelaces/ribbon/yarn

  • Fun mask accessories

  • Instructions

  • Children PPE book: making PPE more approachable through story telling


A look back on our distribution and donation day with Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos, CA


Check out our latest workshop with Boys and Girls Club, San Marcos - with a Children PPE Book Read Along + DIY Mask Making workshop


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